Stone Cables
- 550g Yarn Group C
- 5mm circular: 40cm & 80cm
- 4mm circular: 40cm & 80cm
- 5mm double pointed
- 4mm double pointed
17 stitches in width and 22 rows in height with stocking stitch = 10 x 10 cm.
Pattern instructions
= knit
= purl
= place 3 stitches on cable needle behind the piece, knit 3 and knit 3 from cable needle
= place 1 stitch on cable needle behind the piece, knit 3 and purl 1 from cable needle
= place 3 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, purl 1 and knit 3 from cable needle
Decrease/Increase Tip
To work out how to decrease/increase evenly, count the total number of stitches on needle (e.g. 224 stitches), and divide by number of decreases/increases to be made (e.g. 20) = 11.2. In this example, decrease by knitting together approx. each 10th and 11th stitch.
When increasing, make 1 yarn over after approx. each 11th stitch. On the next round work the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes.
Decrease to raglan on each side of the marker thread in each transition between body and sleeves as follows: Work until there are 3 stitches left before the marker thread, knit 2 together, knit 2 (marker thread sits between these 2 stitches), slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch (8 stitches decreased on each decrease-round). NOTE! When you no longer have room for a complete cable towards the raglan-line, work those stitches in stocking stitch.
Increase Tip
Increase 1 stitch on each side of the marker-stitch as follows: Work to the marker-stitch, make 1 yarn over, knit 1 (marker-stitch), 1 yarn over. On the next round knit the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. Then work the new stitches into A.1.
Knitting Tip
When casting off for the armholes on the body and sleeves, adjust to do this on the same row in pattern A.x on body and sleeve (single cables). So that all the of these cables can be work on the same round in the diagram as you continue onwards.
The body is worked in the round, bottom up as far as the armholes. The sleeves are worked in the round with double pointed needles/short circular needle, bottom up. The sleeves are placed on the same circular needle as the body, and the yoke is finished in the round. The double neck is worked to finish.
Cast on 224/232/250/264/292/314 stitches with circular needle size 4mm.
Work rib in the round (knit 1, purl 1) for 5cm.
Change to circular needle size 5 mm and knit 1 round where you decrease 20/20/22/24/24/26 stitches evenly spaced = 204/212/228/240/268/288 stitches.
Continue according to the diagrams as follows:
* Work A.1 over 20/24/32/38/30/40 stitches, A.2 over 11/11/11/11/22/22 stitches (= 1/1/1/1/2/2 repeats of 11 stitches), A.3 (= 9 stitches), A.4 (= 42 stitches), A.5 (= 9 stitches), A.6 over 11/11/11/11/22/22 stitches (= 1/1/1/1/2/2 repeats of 11 stitches) *, work from *-* a total of 2 times.
Insert a marker in the middle of both sections of A.1 (10/12/16/19/15/20 stitches of A.1 on each side).
Remember the knitting Tension!
Continue the pattern until the piece measures 35/35/36/36/36/36cm from the cast-on edge - read knitting Tip!
On the next round cast off 3/3/4/4/5/5 stitches for the armholes on each side of both markers (6/6/8/8/10/10 stitches for each armhole). There are 96/100/106/112/124/134 stitches on the front piece and back pieces. Lay the piece to one side and work the sleeves.
Cast on 48/48/50/50/52/54 stitches with double pointed needles size 4mm. Work rib in the round (knit 1, purl 1) for 5cm. Change to double pointed needles size 5mm and knit 1 round where you increase 6/6/6/8/8/8 stitches evenly spaced - remember Decrease/Increase Tip = 54/54/56/58/60/62 stitches.
Insert 1 marker in the first stitch on the round; used when increasing under the sleeve.
Continue according to the diagrams as follows:
Work A.1 over 9/9/10/11/12/13 stitches, A.3 (= 9 stitches), A.7 (= 18 stitches), A.5 (= 9 stitches) and A.1 over the last 9/9/10/11/12/13 stitches.
When the sleeve measures 8cm from the cast-on edge increase 1 stitch on each side of the marker-stitch – read Increase Tip in explanations above.
Repeat this increase every 6,5/4,5/3/3/2,5/2cm a total of 6/8/11/11/13/15 times = 66/70/78/80/86/92 stitches.
Continue working until the sleeve measures 44/43/42/41/40/38cm from the cast-on edge (shorter measurements in larger sizes due to wider neck and longer yoke). There is approx. 25/27/28/30/32/34cm left before the neck; try the jumper on and work to desired length - remember Knitting Tip!
Cast off 6/6/8/8/10/10 stitches mid-under the sleeve = 60/64/70/72/76/82 stitches.
Lay the piece to one side and work the other sleeve in the same way but insert the marker under the sleeve in the last stitch on the round.
Place the sleeves on the same needle as the body, where stitches were cast off for the armholes = 312/328/352/368/400/432 stitches.
Insert 1 marker thread in each transition between body and sleeves (= 4 marker threads). The 2 stitches on each side of all the marker threads are worked in stocking stitch; the other stitches are worked as before. Continue the pattern for 4/4/2/4/2/1cm. Now continue the pattern and begin to decrease for RAGLAN – read description above.
Decrease like this every 2nd round a total of 22/24/27/28/32/35 times. When all the decreases are finished there are 136/136/136/144/144/152 stitches and the yoke measures approx. 24/26/27/29/31/33cm from where the body and sleeves were joined.
On the next round continue the pattern but knit the cable-stitches and decrease stitches evenly as follows: Decrease a total of 6 stitches over the cables on the front piece and 3 stitches over the first sleeve, 6 stitches over the cables on the back piece and 3 stitches over the cables on the other sleeve = 118/118/118/126/126/134 stitches.
Knit 1 round and decrease 36/32/30/38/34/38 stitches evenly on the round = 82/86/88/88/92/96 stitches.
The jumper measures approx. 64/66/68/70/72/74cm from the shoulder.
Double Neck
Change to short circular needle size 4mm and work rib (knit 1, purl 1) for 12 cm. On the next round increase stitches to avoid the neck being tight when folded double as follows: Make 1 yarn over after every second purled stitch = 102/107/110/110/115/120 stitches. Purl the yarn overs twisted on the next round to avoid holes. Continue with knit over knit and purl over purl until the neck measures 14cm. Loosely cast off with knit over knit and purl over purl.
Sew together the openings under the sleeves. Fold the neck double to the inside and sew down. To avoid the neck being tight and rolling outwards, it is important that the seam is elastic.
This pattern has been corrected. Click here to see the correction/s.
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