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Winter Love






  • 550g Yarn Group C


  • 5,5mm circular: 40cm & 80cm
  • 4,5mm circular: 40cm & 80cm
  • 5,5mm double pointed
  • 4,5mm double pointed


17 stitches in width and 22 rows in height with stocking stitch = 10 x 10 cm.

Pattern instructions


[knit]( = knit
purl](]( = purl
cable_4_behind = slip 2 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
cable_4_infront = slip 2 stitches on cable needle behind piece, knit 2, knit 2 from cable needle
cable_10_infront = slip 5 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, knit 5, knit 5 from cable needle
cable_10_behind = slip 5 stitches on cable needle behind piece, knit 5, knit 5 from cable needle
cable_7_shift_infront = slip 2 stitches on cable needle behind piece, knit 5, knit 2 from cable needle
cable_7_shift_behind = slip 5 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, knit 2, knit 5 from cable needle
cable_7_infront = slip 2 stitches on cable needle behind piece, knit 5, purl 2 from cable needle
cable_7_behind = slip 5 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, purl 2, knit 5 from cable needle
cable_6_infront = slip 1 stitch on cable needle behind piece, knit 5, purl 1 from cable needle
cable_6_behind = slip 5 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, purl 1, knit 5 from cable needle
cable_8_infront = slip 3 stitches on cable needle behind piece, knit 5, purl 3 from cable needle
cable_8_behind = slip 5 stitches on cable needle in front of piece, purl 3, knit 5 from cable needle
knit_increase = between 2 stitches make a yarn over on needle, on next round/row purl yarn over twisted
purl_increase = between 2 stitches make a yarn over on needle, on next round/row knit yarn over twisted body_upper body_lower

Garter Stitch

See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from the right side.

Decrease/Increase Tip

To calculate how to decrease/increase evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 196 stitches) and divide stitches by number of decreases/increases to be done (e.g. 36) = 5.4. In this example knit approx. every 4th and 5th stitch together.
If an even increase should be done, do so by making a yarn over after alternately every 5th and 6th stitch. On next round knit yarn over twisted to avoid holes.

Increase Tip

Increase 1 stitch on each side of the marker-stitch as follows: Work to the marker-stitch, make 1 yarn over, knit 1 (marker-stitch), 1 yarn over. On the next round knit the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. Then work the new stitches into A.1.

Knitting Tip

When casting off for the armholes on the body and sleeves, adjust to do this on the same row in pattern A.x on body and sleeve (single cables). So that all the of these cables can be work on the same round in the diagram as you continue onwards.

Cast-Off Tip

To avoid a tight cast-off edge you may use a needle 0,5 size larger.



Worked in the round on circular needle up to armhole, then work front and back piece back and forth separately. Work sleeves in the round on double pointed needles/a short circular needle.


Cast on 196/214/226/242/258/288 stitches on circular needle size 4,5mm with Air. Knit 1 round. Then work rib (= knit 1/purl 1) for 3cm. Switch to circular needle size 5.5 mm, knit 1 round while decreasing 36/42/42/42/42/48 stitches evenly - read Decrease/Increase Tip above = 160/172/184/200/216/240 stitches. Insert 1 marker at beginning of round and 1 marker after 80/86/92(100/108/120 stitches (= the sides) and move the markers upwards when working.
Work pattern as follows: Work 23/26/29/33/37/43 stitches in stocking stitch, A.1 (= 34 stitches), work in stocking stitch over the remaining 103/112/121/133/145/163 stitches. When entire A.1 has been worked vertically, there are 172/184/196/212/228/252 stitches on round. Remember the knitting Tension!
Now work pattern as follows: Work 23/26/29/33/37/43 stitches in stocking stitch, A.2 (= 46 stitches), work in stocking stitch over the remaining 103/112/121/133/145/163 stitches. Continue pattern like this and repeat A.2 vertically until finished measurements. At the same time when piece measures 5/6/7/4/5/6cm, increase 1 stitch on each side of marker thread in each side - read the Increase Tip! Increase like this every 8/8/8/9/9/9cm 5 times in total = 192/204/216/232/248/272 stitches. When piece measures 41/42/43/44/45/46cm, cast off 4 stitches for armhole in each side (= 2 stitches on each side of marker thread). Work front and back piece back and forth separately.

Back Piece

= 86/92/98/106/114/126 stitches (including 1 edge stitch in each side). Continue in stocking stitch as before with 1 edge stitch in Garter Stitch - see explanation above, in each side. When piece measures 59/61/63/65/67/69cm, cast off the middle 24/24/26/26/26/28 stitches for neck and finish each shoulder separately. Cast off 1 stitch on next row from neck = 30/33/35/39/43/48 stitches remain on the shoulder. Continue to work until piece measures 61/63/65/67/69/71cm. Work 1 ridge and cast off - read Cast-Off Tip. Piece measures approx. 62/64/66/68/70/72cm. Work the other shoulder the same way.

Front Piece

= 98/104/110/118/126/138 stitches (including 1 edge stitch in each side). Continue the pattern as before with 1 edge stitch in garter stitch in each side. When piece measures 56/58/60/61/63/65cm, decrease 12 stitches evenly over A.2 - remember Decrease/Increase Tip = 86/92/98/106/114/126 stitches. On next row slip the middle 12/12/14/14/14/16 stitches on 1 stitch holder for neck and finish each shoulder separately in stocking stitch, work edge stitch as before. Cast off for neck at the beginning of every row from neck as follows: 2 stitches 2 times and 1 stitch 3 times = 30/33/35/39/43/48 stitches remain on shoulder. Continue to work until piece measures 61/63/65/67/69/71cm. Work 1 ridge in garter stitch and cast off. Piece measures approx. 62/64/66/68/70/72cm. Work the other shoulder the same way.


Work sleeve in the round on double pointed needles/a short circular needle.
Cast on 48/50/54/56/58/58 stitches on double pointed needles size 4,5mm with Air. Knit 1 round. Then work rib (= knit 1/purl 1) for 3cm. Switch to double pointed needles size 5.5 mm, knit 1 round while decreasing 10/10/12/12/14/14 stitches evenly = 38/40/42/44/44/44 stitches. Insert 1 marker at beginning of round (= mid under sleeve) and move the marker upwards. Then work in stocking stitch. When piece measures 9/8/11/10/12/8cm, increase 2 stitches mid under sleeve - remember Increase Tip! Increase like this every 6th/6th/5th/5th/4th/4th round 15/15/16/16/18/19 times in total = 68/70/74/76/80/82 stitches. When piece measures 55/54/53/52/50/47cm, cast off all stitches.


Sew shoulder seams inside cast-off edges so that there are 2 ridges on top of shoulder. Sew in sleeves inside 1 edge stitch in garter stitch.


Pick up from right side approx. 78-100 stitches around the neck (including stitches on stitch holder at the front) on a short circular needle size 4,5mm. Purl 1 round. Knit 1 round while adjusting number of stitches to 78/78/84/84/90/90. Then work rib (= knit 1/purl 1) for 12cm. Then purl 1 round from wrong side, cast off. Fold the neck inwards so that it is 6cm high. Fasten it with neat little stitches inside the jumper.


Original Pattern